At your service

Zarządzanie zleceniami
Orders management

Zaraz po starcie aplikacji widzisz ekran z zadaniami na bieżący dzień. Od razu widzisz więc, co, gdzie, kiedy i dla kogo masz do zrobienia.
Dodatkowo aplikacja podpowiada wolne terminy między zleceniami.

Zaraz po starcie aplikacji widzisz ekran z zadaniami na bieżący dzień. Od razu widzisz więc, co, gdzie, kiedy i dla kogo masz do zrobienia.
Dodatkowo aplikacja podpowiada wolne terminy między zleceniami.

Just after running the app, you can see a screen with tasks for a current day. It's very easy to check then, what, where, when and for who you've got something to do.
Additionally, the app will suggest available time between orders.

The app can be run on a phone as well as on a tablet.

Podgląd kalendarza
Orders calendar

The calendar will let you quickly decide in which days you've got more or less orders to do.
Of course, you may add and edit orders here, as well.

Zlecenia na mapie
Orders on a map

You may check orders for a given day on a map.
This will let you optimize your time and cost of reaching your Customers as soon as when planning next order.
Additionally, you can plan your orders so they could be in a short distance in a given day.

Lista Klientów
Customers list

You create your own list of your Customers in the app.
Additionally, you can create your own groups of Customers.

Wiedza o Kliencie
Knowledge about your Customer

The app lets you gather knowledge about your Customers in one place.
You can find here: contact data, the history and summary of orders, notes and information about devices used by Customer (enabled separately in Settings).

Historia zleceń
Orders history

Every new order goes to the history of Customer orders automatically.
You can easily check what and when was done, and if all orders were invoiced and/or paid.

An order

When creating a new order you can:
- select a Customer,
- pick a start and end date,
- set up any number of notifications to alert you before, during and after an order,
- assign services to be done within an order as well as their costs,
- save additional notes about this order.

Kopia zapasowa
Backup copy

The app lets you create a backup copy of all data into a separate file.
This backup copy can be saved outside the app i.e. in the cloud.
In case of a failure or losing your device you will be able to restore all data and settings on a new device.

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