
Where did it go?
Where did it go?

Our head cannot remember everything. At least mine doesn't 🙂
Stuffinder makes it easy to find things and additionaly it lets you save the receipts, pages from manuals, dates of warranty, and a couple of other details.
And if you lend stuff, you can write it down here and even be notified about it.

Add and describe your stuff
Add and describe your stuff

Add new stuff and describe it as you want. Only name is compulsory.
You can take a picture of it, enter the name of storage place, assign a category, save some manual pages, a receipt, a place of purchase, brand, price, model, dimensions. Also you can add your own notes if you need to.
If you find some fields unnecessary, tap the eye icon (👁‍) under the fields list and mark fields important for you.
Add many... lets you add things one after another, just by taking a picture of them.

Find your stuff easily
Find your stuff easily

Use search field and filters to find any stuff you saved in the Stuffinder.
If you don't take pictures but find default images boring, you can change the view to a list.

Receipts and manuals
Receipts and manuals

You don't want to flip through the user manual and can't remember how to use the device?
Add key pages of the manual and you'll always have them on hand.
You can do the same here with the receipt - no more piles of receipts in the drawer 🙂

Various storage places
Various storage places

Add your storage places: rooms, wardrobes, boxes, baskets, basements, attic, garages, plots.
Name your place the way you want. What important to know is where they are 🙂

Remember what you lend
Remember what you lend

You lend some thing to someone and then you don't remember what or to whom, or how much you have lent?
Add to the Stuffinder and let it remember for you.
Simply set a reminder when an item should be returned. And when it returns, just mark it on the list.
You won't miss anything and you won't forget anything anymore.

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